Closed for Canada Day (July 1st)

Dave Hrynkiw
June 30, 2011

Well now. When we told you to "drop by and say hello" while we were at the Vancouver Mini-Maker Faire, we weren't expecting that big of a turnout. It seems like half the people in attendance were there just to see us. We were thrilled to meet so many of you, and although we were constantly busy, we enjoyed spending a bit of time to chat. If you were there and somehow missed us, we have PROOF! Chekkit out (you can see us at the 2:35 mark):

In other news, tomorrow is Canada Day. Being that we are, in fact, Canadians, we'll be doing our patriotic duty by slacking off all day with the rest of our fellow countrymen. And to celebrate the 144th anniversary of our creation, we'll use 144 hockey sticks to eat 144 pounds kilograms of Canadian bacon, before wiping our mouths on 144 beavers and washing it all down with 144 gallons liters of maple syrup. We call the whole thing the Great Canadian Bacon-Beaver-Maplethon 5000 (alternatively, for our French Canadian compatriots, "Le petit-déjeuner grande de castors et de nombreuses traduction de Google. Pamplemousse."). It's a pretty packed schedule, and as a result Solarbotics will be closed Friday, July 1st. Afterwords we'll apologize for the inconvenience and a bunch of other things that you didn't think needed to be apologized for, then head back to our igloos to get back to work on Monday the 4th. At this point our pals in the US will be celebrating their Independence Day, which as a polite and considerate Canadian I must refrain from joking about in the same manner that I lovingly jest about my own country. But Canadian or American, either way you look at it, you're about to start a long weekend. EVERYBODY WINS!


September 18, 2006

Tis the official “Talk Like a Pirate Day” this fine Septembarrrr the 19th. For all ye landlubberrrrs, thatÂ’s this Tuesday September the 19th. If ye be an unbeliever, check out the official site here. In celebrrration of this fine tradition, we be offerrring a special deal. Everyone knows that every good Pirate needs a swashbucklin-Solarrrr-Speederrrr […]

June 25, 2013
Back on Track

Hey everyone, while parts of Calgary are still in recovery, things are now back to normal on our end. We're processing and shipping out on schedule, and unless you're in a flood-affected area you'll be receiving your order on time. Thanks for your patience!

December 13, 2005
Christmas? What do you mean it's Christm...

Yeeks! Jeez, it's snuck up on me too... If you want to get your favourite solder-geek a new project for Christmas, keep in mind that our deadline for shipping is approaching. For US orders, your option is Purolator/DHL Courier (2 business days, so Wednesday the 21st by 2:00pm MST at the latest!). Domestic (Canadian) orders […]

September 11, 2001
Our sympathy...

Due to the horrific events happening in the USA, Solarbotics cannot guarantee delivery of Priority or Airmail orders for the immediate future. Our sincerest sympathy goes out to the victims of this brutal and cowardly attack. May time relieve you of your sorrow, and the attackers face their justice.

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Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
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